Get My Expertise Without Having to Switch Farriers, Ship Your Horse, or Fly Me Out to Your Barn

You’re at the end of your rope. Your horse has an ongoing issue. Your farrier can’t figure it out but is willing to try new ideas.
Or, you trim your horse’s feet yourself and need the guidance of a skilled farrier to keep your horse’s feet in good shape.
A video evaluation helps sport horse owners and trainers like you better your horse’s movement, balance, and ultimately soundness. I study your horse’s movement patterns and posture to offer suggestions on how to improve.
How to Prepare for Your Evaluation
I want to provide you with the most accurate and repeatable results possible. Please follow the instructions below carefully.
Your package should include a hard copy of each shot requested below. Number each photo so you and I can look at the same picture while we discuss your horse on the phone. FIRST AND FOREMOST, BE SURE YOU ARE IN A SAFE POSITION WHILE TAKING THE PHOTOS. Only take the photos you can safely obtain.
- Stand your horse SQUARE on a flat, level surface. Photograph the following:
- Left side of horse
- Right side of horse
- Full body shot with camera facing horse’s head
- Full body shot with camera facing tail
- Standing on mounting block behind horse – shot of back from tail to ears
2. With your horse still standing square, take the following 8 shots of hooves. Place your camera as CLOSE TO THE GROUND as possible. Label these shots with the corresponding hoof.
Right front hoof photographed from toe to heel
Left front hoof from toe to heel
Right hind hoof from toe to heel
Left hind hoof from toe to heel
Right front hoof photographed from heel to toe
Left front hoof from heel to toe
Right hind hoof from heel to toe
Left hind hoof from heel to toe
3. Now stand your horse in a staggered position (as opposed to standing square) on a flat, level surface to take the following shots:
Side view of right side showing front hooves
Side view of right side showing back hooves
Side view of left side showing front hooves
Side view of left side showing back hooves
Please video your horse and burn to a DVD to send with your photos. Ideal you’ll have someone to help handle the horse or video.
1. With your horse on a lead rope, video the horse walking away from the camera, toward the camera, and walking from both sides of the horse.
2. Repeat step 1 at a trot.
3. With your horse loose in a round pen at least 60 feet in diameter or on a 30 ft lunge line, show your horse without tack at a walk, trot, and canter with upward and downward transitions in both directions. Please film approximately 2-3 laps at each gait.
4. Repeat step 3 with tack.
5. Repeat step 3 with tack and rider.
“When Can I See Results From Your Recommendations?”
People often get frustrated because they don’t see results within a week or two of changing the way their horse is trimmed or shod. It takes at least 9 months (usually 12) for a hoof to grow out completely.
But if all suggestions are implemented (and the changes are kept up with), you’ll start seeing the shape of the hoof capsule change under the coronet band in 2-3 shoeing/trimming cycles.
And once we start correcting your horse’s balance issues, you’ll probably find that you need to buy fewer hoof supplements, oils, and gels to keep your horse’s hooves healthy.
And you’ll save the time it’ll take your current farrier to figure this all out on his own.
The Questions I Get Most Often About Video Evaluations
Will My Video & Photos Be Returned?
Most likely this doesn’t apply in this age of electronic file sharing. However, if photos and videos are mailed, they will be returned to you if you include a stamped self-addressed data mailer. Any photo/video package sent to us will become the property of Equine Dynamics.
How Much is the Session?
For $150 you get one session and one follow up session. You get the same evaluation I give to my own corrective shoeing clients without having to ship your horse to me or without having to fly me to wherever you’re located.
How Long Is This Session?
Most sessions take between 60 and 90 minutes. In that time, I will do my best to explain my observations. I will analyze the video and photos before the phone consultation begins so our time on the phone is effectively used to discuss your horse.
What Do I Have To Do To Get Started?
Fill out the form below and I’ll contact you about scheduling your evaluation. Your form must include your phone number and email address. I will contact you to set up a time to discuss your horse after your request is received.