This week, Mike and Travis discuss:
- What does it meant when a horse is “going” in a horse race?
- The 149th running of the Kentucky Derby
- How you can easily buy a share in a racehorse
- The story of Cody’s wish
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Travis: Welcome back to Equine Dynamics with Mike Stine, the number one podcast to create Sounder horses from the ground up. Mike Stine is a registered journeyman fairy with an APF accreditation. On this week’s episode: talking terminology what does it mean by the going in a horse race also the Kentucky Derby 149thrunning Mike will go over that as well also a horse named Cody and how that horse got its name all the submission tomorrow will be discussed here on Equine Dynamics with Mike Stine. head over to my far right inside is Mike Stine. How are you doing?
Mike: Good, Travis, how are you I’m doing well so you are you surviving here sorta yes well it’s getting hotter out there or it’s starting to get a little warm up a little bit it hasn’t gone High yet my wife the other day bought she gets all of our horse chemicals and stuff shipped in from Amazon because I guess they’re cheaper and horse chemicals like the the fly spray and the whatever rub that she puts on them and the food comes in the the supplements not the bags okay this is not like something to take care of like pool algae or anything like that no nothing like that okay gotcha but uh one of the things she gets like this time of year is the fly spray stuff and she gets this big gallon of I don’t know it’s called like fly off or something it’s black and it says extra extra something and she puts it in the spray bottle and she sprays the horses and it’s got like this eucalyptus/chemical smell to it and uh and it’s wonderful and I guess it works and then I saw a couple of these same containers one in blue and one in red at the local Southern States right and they were 65 for the gallon and she’s like wow that’s really cheap I pay 85 for mine I’m like whoa I said how long does it last she’s like ah like a month month and a half 85 dollars for fly spray to keep flies off your horses this time of year that’s that I didn’t realize it was 85 I would have looked for some kind of, um, essential oils and some, uh, rubbing alcohol or something else to spray on the horses I don’t know that’s probably bad price I might let them use flies to be an exercise program but I didn’t say that but do you you don’t want the Flies getting like in their eye no no you don’t you don’t no obviously now Cayenne the miniature horse that’s out there has these little puff puff things that go around the bottom of it’s like between us need a giant puff puff to put on the horse at all times it’s a big screen that’s got like velcro straps that’s above her hoof right and below her hot joint front leg I don’t think they have Hawks on the front like I think that’s a neat all right so the first on the back leg all right so the front knee the front knit I’m not learning anything from this yeah more like the human wrist okay with the construction the hot joints constructed more like the human ankle but yes okay she’s got them on all four ankles let’s put it that way she’s got them all all four ankles and only that I guess the flies creep down to that part of the horse more frequently than the rest of the body outside of the eyes I think it depends on what type of fly you’ve got because some of them there are some flies that will particularly go for horses belly because of uh what because if it’s a boy or a girl or no it doesn’t matter because the boy of course you know I’ve not asked the Flies on that one but you know well one thing she was looking at which I kind of I threw up a red flag on this one the one thing that she was looking at was a fly mask right and the fly mask you know she was looking at all these different colors and all these different styles you can get them in uh like camouflage colors and and you know red white and blue yeah camouflage flies wouldn’t be able to see the horse hiding in the background uh one of the masks that they had I I didn’t agree with but Amy was like oh look at this wouldn’t it be funny to have Diego or Dominique with this fly mask on now you know what a fly mask is it goes over the face and then sometimes it’s got the where the ears can come out yeah and some of the times they’re covered yeah they’re covered this was these were covered and on the mask itself painted were two big round googly eyes I like it and then where the the muzzle of the horse is was a big old like smiley face on it in my mind I’m thinking you know Diego goes out there and she’s got all or he’s got all her buddies and stuff out there if Diego came out therewith this mask on horses being horses not knowing I mean it’s facial recognition I would think that the horses would freak out and say what is wrong with your face there Diego because it’s this cartoonish mask face on this horse I think it would scare the other horses and make them I’m just thinking you know mentally you’re trying to think like a horse no I’m trying to think like Mike if you came up here and you had like a Joker’s mask on and you wore that the whole entire time you were up here I would go there’s something wrong with you I would be afraid well if that’s not much different than normal you do that anyway I think I might want to you to have someone in poker mask under a horse’s headquarters every day there’s there’s something wrong with you right I think the Joker mask might be an improvement on you Mike I’m kidding I’m kidding but wouldn’t you think like mentally on a horse if they saw a horse’s face and it had these big huge you know four inch round googly eyes on it and this big white oh all the teeth showing mask it would scare the living bejesus think about a toddler think about a baby child you know that’s let’s say one years old you know it can walk around and it knows it’s Mama’s face and knows his daddy’s face and then the mommy or daddy puts on a crazy mask you’ve seen videos there’s a million of them on YouTube where the baby turns her and you know hi the baby turns around and looks at the mom for the first time and completely balls out crying and scared Panic yeah everyone figures out and then the mask comes off oh it’s Mommy and then the kid’s like I’m traumatized for the rest of my life now so well you gotta start sometime yeah start him early traumatize them early all right guys let’s stick around when we come back we’re gonna talk about what is it meant by the going in a horse racing and also we got a lot of stuff to talk about we’re gonna talk about the winner of the Kentucky Derby and a special story about Cody and Cody’s horse. Stick around. You’re listening to Equine Dynamics with Mike Stine. He’ll be right back yes you don’t have to answer that no no yes no all right ready yes I am all right let’s switch cameras did I start them oh it lost all my other stuff too Goddamn it damn it are you lost no I had I had screens set up to where it was a little bit different this week and since we lost power it didn’t save it I had you a little bit bigger I could still make you a little bit bigger I had you a little bit bigger over here I can go to all that you can eat buffets constantly I gotta make myself a little bigger I close this over here close this down a little bit over here I’m editing in real time here so ah he looked like he lost weight now he’s smaller and a little I’m a little guy look at me yeah welcome back to Equine Dynamics with Mike Stine. He was the official farrier of the 2018 World Equestrian Games and if you’d like to email Mike Stine at any time the way you do that is go to equinedynamics.com at the top of the page says contact us fill out that little form ask him a question and make sure you put a return address on there because if you uh if we answer it hereon the air read it here on the air we’ll send you out a whole prize pack just put your return address and we’ll get that out to you and over to my far right inside my very own prize pack is Mike Stine how are you I’m doing good Travis how are you doing sir doing okay now talking terminology what is it meant by “the going” in horseracing how’s it going it’s going it’s going all right it’s a good day we’re going to get a little bit of rain today but other than that it’s a good day well you know the rain has to do with the going too oh does it really so tell me how the rain is how the rain affects the going what else how’s the track surface going how are the horses going as a fast track is it a slow track is it a deep track is it a hard pack track you know and how do they go on it move your microphone a little bit thick just move the microphone to you just move the microphone there you go right there that’s perfect okay how’s that perfect it’s uh as I understand it they’re talking about uh how how the horses are slow you know is it a deep track is it a you know wet track and how how the horse are handling moving on the track so what I have here is it’s the description of the conditions of the underfoot of the on the course right and what they were having is they were talking about the how it definitely affects the horse’s performance there are different surfaces Turf which is grasses dirt and many types of synthetic surfaces with Turf and dirt rainfall moisture and temperature affects the surface more than the synthetic synthetics is not affected by rain or cold weather so the track that was running yesterday on the Kentucky Derby were they pretty fast to me were they is that a synthetic track or is it a dirt track I want to say and don’t quote me a hundred percent because I know you were talking about oh they were they were talking about switching it right there was a time they were talking about switching I think a lot of the tracks went to Natural Turf I know that I was at Keeneland last year and Keeneland is definitely natural Turf and it’s a nice deep crowd real good a real good sand mix I think there’s a few other a few other types of wall meter a little bit of loamy stuff in there and really really nice surface and you know the moisture level how it packs how when they run the rollers if they roll on top roll it and it rolls good or doesn’t that’s going to make a difference if the order is the horse sitting on top of it and you get aa right nice little ground Purge with the foot they’re rolling through it or are they sinking into it or are they sitting on top of it so that’s going to make a difference in the performance of The Horse speed wise performance wise and how much impact you’re having on tentative ligaments and and it’s a jarat the bone column or not I feel that the term the going is kind of like the generic flat term that you would use for the track right you know all right hey uh make sure you go out there and fix the going or is it a is it a verb is it a noun I mean I don’t see I mean because everyone’s got their own race tracks They got kind of their own terminology that’s what I was going to say it sounds like a generic term you know hey make sure the going is good remember Kate that came on here yes Kate would know more about this than anybody I know really yeah she would son of a gun well we need to get a hold of her and find out what’s going on with it yeah but I mean I don’t see like the the owner of the the horse or owner of the whoever out there going hmm the going looks good today I think uh I think I’ll be going to the going it’s just it’s a weird term but I guess that’s what the technical is that the technical name for it I think that’s as technical as it gets I just call it the rummy stuff that’s underneath the feed yeah that’s it that that that’s what we’re gonna change it too everybody’s going to go to that you know like I said we’re coming up with our own stuff we’re coming up with our own dictionary too with with track surfaces and I know from my experiences a lot more in the show Rings right and what we is change the game on shooting the show horses for the main Arenas and as they change the surfaces the game changes and yeah some of the things that seem like a really good idea up front sometimes they are not as later on we find out for for reasons to start showing up that they’re not as good an idea so then we change to something else and that’s been an ongoing thing with show horses and we have every time they do it we have to rethink what we’re doing because of the way the you know the horse performs in it another thing is farrier is we want we want the horse performance best but also we’ve got to do everything we can to minimize injury on the horse because we want them yeah the you know if you’ve got a multi-million dollar horse you want to take care of them and they’ve got to keep doing their thing and they need to have you know go to their career whether it be on Racetrack showing or whatever and that is for them to be relatively healthy and sound and old age and happy and when we come back we’re going to talk about the 149thrunning of the Kentucky Derby and the clip that Mike was talking about um earlier in the broadcast or actually before we got on the air about the the horse I forget the horse’s name that bumped the rail verify verify and it was and it bumped the rail and was leading leading leading and we’ll have that video so for don’t forget for every podcast we do we have a matching video and you can follow us on YouTube make sure you like And subscribe over there hey look look best I could tell he kind of hits the rail and then the the jockey came up and backed off by then he was losing ground anyway but yeah he did a nice job with him we’re gonna uh take a stroller break and watch that video uh so stick around you’re listening to Equine Dynamics with Mike Stine. He’ll be right back. yeah I want to get out of this segment and then go so we can talk all about the the Kentucky Horse Racing thing right ready now didn’t you have a little bit of a story about the horse that won yeah we’ll get into that after we get into okay okay yeah don’t rush me no don’t rush me I got lots of stuff going on you ready yes you’re gonna have a good time welcome back to equine Dynamics with Mike Stine he was the 2017 American Eventing Championship farrier and, don’t forget, if you’d like Mike Stein to perform a clinic out at your location uh he’s got this huge Horse by the name of Dolly it’s a skeleton breakdown of a horse she’s about 20 feet tall she’s about 20 feet tall and 15 feet long and it shows all the grammatical Corrections and errors and stuff on a horse and all the the skeletal bones she’s probably a large medium Pony it just sits up on sits up off the ground so it seems bigger and he can bring this out to your location and describe everything that goes on from a horse from the ground all the way up to its shoulders and its scapula is that a word is a word she has scapulas two of them one on each side I’m telling you we got a dictionary that’s going to be on Amazon of all the words we make up right so anyways if you like Mike Stine a performer Clinic out at your location uh just email Mike Stein at any time over there and make sure you click on the clinics section and he will sign you up and get you started over there and over on my far hand side is Mike Stein how are you I’m doing good Travis how are you doing sir I’m doing good so I got excited because again Kentucky Derby so don’t forget for every podcast we do we have a matching video and you can see me right here I’ve got my Kentucky Derby where so hold on we’ll take these off right hold on hold on it’s coming I have my very own Kentucky Derby outfit you look good how do I look you look spectaculardo I fit in with all the goofy hats and all the goofy stuff that goes on it though well you fit in with Goofy for sure you know and I don’t even need the Hat no thanks but I mean I see all the different hats and stuff I was looking my I was hoping my wife had one of those big long floppy hats and stuff for laying out in the sun or whatever I guess we had this from a New Year’s Eve party so there I have a derby on for the Kentucky Derby Day and my Kentucky Derby glasses to wear yeah those are classy I feel like a jazz singer for some reason you know I should be in the three-piece jazz band or something yeah you should be all right so let’s put that away so the Kentucky Derby um this is the 149th running of the Kentucky Derby and who won Mike who did win a horse named Mage Mage yes so oh my God I gotta put my hat on my hair looks like a mess there we go I didn’t do my hair this morning because I knew I was going to be switching hats well you know as long as you got a hat on it doesn’t matter right so the horse that actuallywon was a horse named Mage now yes uh m-a-g-e now Mike did Mage make you any money did you bet on me mage made me the same amount of money every horse pretty much makes me that runs in the derby every year well I don’t know if you knew this none I don’t know if you knew this or not there is a commonwealth investor who bought 50 plus shares of valued at twenty five hundred dollars in Mage got engaged with the horse throughout the morning workout and The Paddock time uh per the actual that’s the thing so what’s happened is there’s an app out there to where you can actually invest a portion of your money into horses right and I know people that actually do that yes so the shareholders on the Commonwealth receive a portion of Mages net warning net earning from the race purse sales and future breeding so now the Kentucky Derby winner has that value going skyrocketed now 15-1 so if you have uh I was trying to find is it the Commonwealth yeah the co-owners on the sports Investment app Commonwealth so if you want to invest in a horse during these horse races and stuff I thought that was a neat idea to make a little bit more money outside of the uh you know betting on a horse right I know a farrier in particular up in Virginia who I think the last time he had bought into like five different horses so the winning run for the Roses netted alone netted Mage and eye-popping 1.86million dollars and the Race season is still young so maybe you’ll see a little bit more investment in the Mage throughout the next coming weeks or so so there you go Mages is uh part of that Commonwealth where you can invest in it now what we want to talk about is verifying verifying was taking the lead now uh for every podcast we do we have a matching video and you can see this in real time as we’re talking about it here so here we go this is actually what happened to verify verifying in after it’s past the half mile Mark now Mike you want to kind of break us in here what’s happening so here we goyou know he he’d gone out at a pretty hard pace and was set the pace I mean that pretty pretty fast you know quartertimes coming up on this and I think at this point he’s starting to run out of Steve and other guys have a little steamleft in him so they’re they’re starting the challengers are pushing up and they’re they’recoming in on him he’s on the inside it looks like they’re pinning them he’s he’s getting he’s getting close insome traffic now he bumps the rail right bumps the rail now if a horse here’s my questionwhen you’re talking about all the times you’ve talked about a horse walking into a barn and walk watching it walk instraight and we had a term that I call crabbing where the front is off to the right a little bit and the back’s off to the left what would cause him if he wasrunning a straight line why would his back end hit the rail and not his front enda little bit and I don’t know if it was because of other horses around him or what I couldn’t see where anybody hadactually bumped him or anything but he he kind of had a wobble back there and bumped the rail and came off in a badstep and the one thing that sticks out to me is if you pay attention what thejockey right there he comes up out of us you know out of his racing position andhe’s backing down on the horse and yeah the horse hadn’t falling apart oranything but right there he’s he’s dropped out of the race and he’s protecting the horse and taking care ofthe horse and making sure he’s gonna be okay for another day but that horse I mean bump the raildramatically in my sense because I mean it bumped him and almost pushed him almost sideways a little bit so there hegoes yeah you can see the the jockey’s standing up basically you know hey stood up he’s backed up slower traffic he’sletting everybody go and he’s taking care of his of his ride so that they cango ride another day he just don’t it just in case there was anything and that rail is pretty pretty cushy and it’s gota lot of they do try to set it up to be very safe for the horses but he’s justeasing on in letting them cool out and uh you know they’ll take I’m sure they took them in the barn and checked himover and made sure he was in our all right place they had sure they had thevet crew look at him but right there I mean he felt something go or not right and there’s plenty of times you’ll seea jockey on a horse and they feel something they might feel a bad step and they’ll come up out of that horse startbacking him off this well he just lost the race maybe he did but he saved saved the horse and uh you knowthat is a big thing unless you I don’t carewhat the sport is but if if you’re if your horse your wife’s horse is in adressage arena nice prepared Arena and takes a bad stepwell it it may be time right there well we’re through with this show we might be right in the middle of our our ride butit’s okay let’s see he’s out of the thing and let’s check out her horse because we don’t if there is something we don’t want to continue to do anydamage yeah she might stop salute and saying you know we’re done and we’re done and he’s out of there and you knowwe’ve got a horse you know love the horse I work in more crawl you know three-day event you know cross-country courseyou see him pull up get a certain point they fill something model with the horse let’s pull out let’s pull out of thisunless he’s back to the Barns and to give this guy a break he took a bad step we don’t want to we don’t want to damageanything and if there is anything we want to make sure we’re taken care of so we protect our animals now it’s too hard to get oneto that point now you’re talking about protecting the animals there’s now uh safety concerns that are being raisedsince seven horses were euthanized this past week in Kentucky um and so what about the more of thehorse racing integrity and safety act that’s that’s going on out there what happened to these horses well there’sthere is a lot of debate going back and forth with all that and as I understand there’sit’s it’s a big deal but if you look back through history and time and allthat the big thing with that is it’s a high visibility thing and you had a lot of horses pop up right boom boom boomright there back before the I think it was the 19 Breeders Cup you had a cluster of animals that had somethingcome up with them but I don’t know you know if you look over the whole the whole yearit’s very unfortunate that it happened like it did but apparently it can at times now were these injuries to thehorses while they had to euthanize them or was it strangles or was that anything like I don’t I doubt it was trianglesyeah because the whole place would have shut down oh yeah they’d lock that place up and not let anybody out of there butthere’s you know it could have been a horse colicking could have beensomething happened to the horse could have been I mean there’s there’s horses that have colicsthat are put down that may not have had anything to do with racing I don’t know why any of those horses were put down Idon’t have a clue and this is seven horses just in that in the past week in Kentucky right now not not having todeal with the Derby just in Kentucky in general the state or was it having to deal with a derby I’m not totally sureon that but even with okay when we go through big weather changeswhen you know we have a big rash of colics vets will sometimes put some of thosehorses down because some of them are not going to make it and it’s just the more Humane thing to do right and because of we quit drinkingwater or whatever it is some of it could have been that I don’tknow some of it could have been paint you know strains could have been skeletal could have been tend to ligament damage could have been colicscould have been a skeletal thing um you you never knowsometimes things can happen real quick now you know there’s a group of people out there that don’t like I mean notnecessarily just people in general but there is a community of people in the horse community that don’t agree withthe the racing of uh any of these horses and some people out there that don’tagree with the writing of any horses period right yes but the racing you’dhave a lot more that would disagree with that and and this in my opinion this wouldgive them more ammo to say hey look what are we doing they’re hunting for ammo I believe yeah what do we do in thesesources why are we putting these horses down why did it happen so close to the race you know the whole thing with drugs and everything else that has gone on inPat I’m gonna say in past history has they’ve really tightened up they’re checking more than everyou know there’s some talk about which each state had different rulesand uh I worked for a fella who ended up he wasa federal prosecutor they ended up being a race uh a race commissioner andyou know if people were breaking the rules he busted their chops he put you know he he was uh put their ass on asling yeah I found them you don’t you don’t break the rules you don’t injure these horses you don’t and they checkedand when they got to the point that he was dealing with it he didn’t play around and uhyou know so there it’s not that there’s no no rules it’s just in past history every statehas had a different set of rules some of them were a lot slacker than others some of them were very stringent and over theyears when people found okay NASCAR they kept finding ways to cheat and they keptadding rules right right they’ve done the same thing with horse racing so they are trying to make it betterbut this doesn’t help this does not help no all right all right guys stick aroundwhen we come back something that actually helped this kid was a horse and we’ll get into Cody’s story as wellstick around you’re listening to equine Dynamics with like Stein he’ll be right back got a doctor’s appointment tomorrowjust my normal veterinarian veterinariandon’t kill yourself over there crack yourself upwell they sent me to the vet’s office and they like it needs to be put down oh look at this old guy scratching yourbelly who’s a good boy who’s a good boyI know yeah he was good but when they get to this point you just need to think about letting them go ma’am uh I’d liketo talk to you in the other room that’s that’s what I get every time I go I’ve been going on for yearsuh he’s only got a couple gigs left in him only a couple more races left in them yeah all right let’s talk aboutCody you ready right welcome back to equine Dynamics with Mike Stein he is now a licensedThoroughbred farrier speaking of the Kentucky Horse Racing uh he is now an official failure through the KentuckyHorse Racing commission and if you’d like Mike Stein to answer any of your questions feelfree to email him at any time at equine dynamics.com at the top of the page says contacts make sure you put in yourmailing address uh if Mike reads it well he will read it but if we read it here on the air uh and answer your questionon the air we’ll send you out a little prize pack for you put a return address and we’ll get that out to you as soon as we canand also don’t forget for every podcast we do we have a matching video you can see me waving a mic Mike waving to meover on YouTube all you do is search equine Dynamics Mike Stein and follow him as well and also on Facebook andMike you post all these different interesting articles um a lot of educational stuff a lot ofstuff going on with the horse races and stuff and one article that you did uh post the other day was uh about a littleboy by the name of Cody and Cody’s wish now he was named after Cody’s wish is the name of a horse righthe was named after young man by the name of Cody Dorman he has battled an illness since birth he’s had over 50 surgerieshe’s now 17 years old and was not expected to live past two years old his only one approachto oh hold on let me read this right I skipped her you did it ran off the pages his wish was granted by the Make-A-WishFoundation to meet a racehorse it was a young cult and his namesake hisnamesake was only he was the only one who approached Cody in the wheelchairhe put his nose on his lap and he was named Cody’s wish after this encounterthis little cult that was out there the the horse the horse won both his races in November 2022’s breeder cup and methis race yesterday prior I can’t even read right uh November 22nd Breeders Cupmet and his race yesterday prior to the derby where Cody and his family were able to see him win so here we go we’regonna watch this video and don’t forget for every podcast we do have a matching video and you can see this little snippet of what came off of uh the videothat Mike posted about Cody and Cody’s wish so here we go yeah that that wasthe best thing out of the whole right you know the Derby meat this year so here we go every fall over the past15 years Keeneland race course has hosted make a wish day it’s become anannual event for the Dorman family parents Kelly and Leslie and their kidsKylie and Cody I like the excitement of hearing them come down this dredge and Ialso like Tibet now he can’t he can’t talk he’s using his eye muscles to move a cursor to spell out words on this padthis tablet so this is a computer generated voice of Cody actually typing uh using his eyes a couple bucks on theones I like too can you say okay buddyCody got his wish four years ago on a day that began with a visit togodolphins Gainsborough Farm Cody wanted to meet a racehorse so setfor our manager Danny mulvahill arranged an introduction with a mild-mannered six-month-old weeniewe had 40 odd folds here on the farm that day and we could have chose anyone just what happened from there it wasspecial the foal just came up laid his head down and caught his lap and just spent some quiet time there with Codyhe put his nose in Cody’s life andjust started from that moment it was a winning day for a young man whogot a tough draw Cody was born with wolfhurst horn syndrome and he spent alifetime overcoming long odds we knew when he was born that there wassomething wrong he was in the Nick unit for two weeks he come home on auction they told us hewould only live two years and he is getting ready to turn 17.yep so what a touching story so he’s 17years old and he actually on on his birthday he went out there and saw his horse Cody’s wish I believe go out thereand race right we were at the Breeders Cupand got to see him right sorry I got a little teary item oh yeah I mean this isa tough deal Water Works there and uh that young man has a lot more a lot morefight to live in him yeah than they ever would have thought and the family hasdealt with so much but uh you know we were got to see himat win at the Breeders Cup we’re there um andof course yesterday he he went out there and did his thing just like he was supposed to and uhyou know he’s going to be a horse to watch and he’s definitely going to be my favorite of the year yeah really howcould he not be after this whole story that goes with him and uh you know they changed the horse’s name to Cody’s wishright and you know he continues on and hopefullyboth him and the horse continue winning right yes no kidding all right guys ohgo ahead it’s a tough deal all right guys stick around when we come back on one more little segment we’ll wrap up the show you’re listening to equineDynamics with Mike Stein he’ll be right back yeah that’s tough that’s tough watchingthat um for those who have not seen the story they need towelcome back to equine Dynamics with Mike Stein the number one podcast to create sound of horses from the ground up Mike Stein is a registered journeymanfairer with an apf1 accreditation don’t forget for every podcast we do we have a matching video go over to YouTube makesure you like And subscribe over there and if you have any comments uh if I can’t answer them I’ll send them over toMike I know uh one of our videos I sent over to Mike uh there was a questionthat we were talking about uh last week about the Oh shoot what was itthat was hereditary I’ll I’ll send you the the question I I forget I’ll send it again okayand uh make sure you like and follow over there and if you have a question for Mike sign go over to equine dynamics.com and fillout contacts fill out contacts and make sure you uh I’ve lost my train ofthought now if you want to okay I know I know I know okay it was a it was an upsetting storyand I’m trying yeah it is it is and I’m trying to collect myself here um go over to equine dynamics.com go tothe top of the page says contact us a little drop down menu says podcast ask your question in there put a returnaddress and we’ll send you out a prize pack as well now and over to my priority inside is MikeStein how are you I’m doing good Travis how are you I’m doing well so what do we learn today Mike talking terminologywhat is meant by the going with horse racing how is it going Travis it’s goingwell it was pretty rough there that last story it was that was a tough deal got me there so now they’re going justtalking about ground condition how are the horses going on the ground are they goingmeaning meaning you know are they is it fast is it deep is it you knowslick is it slick is it uh yeah so is that is that where we get the termhow’s it going how is it going Travis we could go with that there’s another terminology for our book and also theKentucky Derby’s horny Hunter horny 149th running uh with the winner of ahorse named Mage and it was part of the Commonwealth app and all the different investors that invested in Mage got alittle portion from here on out we’ll get a whole bunch of uh racing royalties from the app yeah I don’t know exactlyhow that works but I know people that do buy into horses on that on on that level and verifying the horse that bumped hisbutt on the on the rail on the on the final turn there you think you think he’s okay my guess is the way he wasago he was going at the time it was ayou know kind of like when he got him down to a gallop and all that I didn’t see anything that I would be scared of but the jockey you know it’s just timeto take care of this guy probably felt something or didn’t agree with it or didn’t didn’t agree with or he felt Iknow he he felt that horse bump around back there and he says time to take careof my horse and he did a good job of easing him down and letting them come he’s into the he’s into the back intothe race and if you want to see the full length story of Cody Dorman and thehorse named Cody’s wish go over to Mike’s Facebook page and the way you see that is to go to equine Dynamics Mikesign over on Facebook and like And subscribe to him over there as well and you can see the full length story ofCody yeah see the Dorman family see the story uh look him up and if you can’tfind anything else go to the equine Dynamics page and uhit’s it’s an incredible story and out of the Derby race this year this isthis is the biggest thing that came out of it to me it’s the headline for for all of us here right all right guys on that note we’re gonna let you get backto enjoying your horses on behalf of Mike Stein over there have a good one thank you Travis see you next time withyour horses my name’s Travis saying see you next week [Music]all of your work is done note to self no more sad horses there’s no more sadhorse stories and I watched the video too and I was like oh this this is a cute little storyand then you see it and you’re like going oh God and you’re in a room with someone else you know normally you’re in the room by yourself you’re like Ohthat’s oh that got me last night yeah oh I’m sure I’m sure yeahI can’t you can’t imagine 50 surgeriesforeign
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